The rule is simple. Use google image to search the answer the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.
uploading entry yang telah diperam beberapa minggu..hehe...well..i cheated in certain pictures coz i'm choosing pictures from the first page...xpe lah kan...:D

I really want to go

My favourite place

My Favourite Thing

My Favourite Food

My Favourite Drink

My Favourite Colour

I live in

I was born in

My college

My Favourite Story

My hobby

so sape yang mahu buat tag nih??mahu pass baton nih...hehe
--mama emran
--mama irvan & qiesy
kak g.....sudah siap...huhu
fave movie kita sama...
hari tu dok wars ke harry potter. lama btul nak decide hehehe...
d1s33p8o42 j2c64v3b25 s9a14g5d44 c3f73d1u95 y9y13c9q75 m1p33z5x97
g9g83a1r27 k6l09f4z14 b0w22w9c35 z4s82x7z64 q8v48g5o59 c3m66l8u90
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