Macam x excited je tahun ni...hehehhee..
Guess why..?
sbb this year..turn pagi raya di cheras...muahahahhaa..
sungguh childish kan...:D
actually bukanlah x excited..
tp preparation da buat awal sket...starting from June, i bought the kain ela for baju kurung..which all of us in my side..sedondon..this year kaler coklat kehijauan...
kuih raya...i decide no kuih this year..just beli kerepek2 n guys..sape nk dtg please inform least i could goreng bihun..hehhe
langsir..had to buat a new set..bukan apa,since october 2005 itulah langsir yang tergantung.the only one..guess its time to put the new one so that the current boleh sent to laundry.
what else?i did buy a new set of cushion cover at jln tar,rm17 for 4 pieces.Our brown sofa takdelah boring sgt nnt rupanya.
the kids...baju kurung n bj melayu sepasang jln pulak ada 2-3 pasang sorang.I plan to go shopping at midvalley,but xtahan nak mengadap org ramai we ended up shopping at parkson kajang.(pun ramai jugakkk...)
i hope last weekend i'm able to hang the new curtain,wash all new clothes,wash the biscuit container but only on monday,i'm only able to wash the new clothes only,minus bj kurung n bj melayu dania n nadzim still x siap..the sheer curtain pun blom siap.. :(
The kids were not feeling well on Sunday,dania demam n tdo the whole day..minum susu je.
while nadzim pun demam plus throwing up everytime i gave him his milk.
We will start off for raya on thursday, hubby n i will clean the house,arrange the furniture,trim the grass or should i say lain kali jgn tanam rumput la abang..kalo xmo jaga..
On Friday, off to gombak, helping my mom cook rendang,anyam ketupat,rebus n buat kuah kacang.heh itupun kalo budak2 ni x mengacau.
I hope there's some spare time that i can use for baking a choclate cake.The only thing i miss during preparation for raya.

baju raya dania n nadzim..gaun dania blom beli..ayah dia da bising..sungguh x sporting btul dia bab2 shopping ni..
dont forget to put down "shah alam" in your to do list on 1st day raya :)
selamat hari raya to you and your family. hugs to dania & nadzim
me too x excited nak beraya... hehe. but dlm takde mood tu preparation boleh tahan awal. wud love to celebrate raya on our own in kl, biarlah takde sedara pun tapi kawan ramai.
selamat hari raya
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