i was tagged by salwa n kak salina...erkk i'm too farr from that supermummy award...terasa byk kekurangan diri...hehe
1.Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom). Once you have written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad. Remember you are a good mom!i couldnt help from feeling awful of not breastfeeding my childrens exclusively..I only nursed all three of them during confinement period.
During Dania, i was lacked of knowledge about breastfeeding..
During Nadzim, i was a bit ready, but i'm too tired of having 2 childrens to mind of and perhaps lack of support from the family, my mom is not supporting for breastfeeding. I was a bit underpressure during my confinement period in her house.
During Naeem, i undergo for c-sect delivery, my body was a bit weak..However i did try to nursed him fully for the first 2 weeks, the FM was given only once or twice a day. To me that was considered success. After 2 weeks, my stiches became reddish and it felt a bit hurt. I had to lay down instead of sitting to nurse him. I had to give extra attention to my stiches more than nursing Naeem.
Over 2 months, there gone my spirit of breastfeeding my babies...
2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.1- I love the glowing eyes they showed when they came home from nursery and from outside they yelling asking " mama masak ape hari nii...sedap nye bauu..."
2-Dania always give credit to my cookings..even i only made bubur ayam for her. Mind you that is only when her mood is good. If anything spoiled her mood..she will simply said.."mama masak x sedapp..." even after she had finished 2 bowls of her favourite spaghetti...
3-I love to talk to them when they begin to talk, laughing at the words they choose to describe thing..For example:
Dania: 'Mama..kenapa org tu GELAP" (she was referring to the house guard)
4-Every night I need to kiss and hugs my childrens before they went for sleep..
5-I choose their daily wear, to taska or on weekends. My hubby failed this job.
6-I also love to 'geletek' my childrens..
7-If i need to choose my work or my childrens, without any doubt i would choose my childrens..they are my everything....
3. Send this to 5 other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be. Remember to send them a note letting them know you have selected them, and also add a link to your post that directs people back to the person who nominated you.i'm sending to another 5 best moms...
to all the mummies not in list...remember that u are also the best mommy...
This is another tag....
The 4 tags..
4 names that friends call U:
-kak raziah
-kak gie
4 most important dates in your life:
- 9/9/1978 & 12/7/1976
-1/3/2003 & 19/9/2003
-12/8/2004, 28/11/2005 & 6/9/2008
-every 15th of Aug..(road tax n insurans keta mati beb..heh)
4 things you've done in the last 30 minutes:
-having breakfast
-sending email
-browsing LENO catalog
-calling my mom
4 ways to be happy:-shopping
-kissing my childrens
4 gifts you would like to receive:4 only ke?i need more pleasee...
-a nice luxury designer bag...(hahaha...)
-vacation to gold coast, oz
-gold necklace with my name mould on it
-a laptop so that i could update my blog everyday..(xde nk take turn with hubby using the internet)
4 of your favourite hobbies:-surfing
-window shopping
4 places you want to go for vacation:-gold coast, oz
4 things always found in your bag:-handphone
-long wallet
-coin purse
-car key
Top 4 u love so much:-my parents
-my husband
-my childrens
-my 'myvi'
Top 4 things 'special' for you:-my debit card
-my car
-my handbag ( the brand is not 'special..but i do need my handbag coz i dumped everything inside..even with the children's bag i still bring my own handbag)
-my handphone
Top 4 who you would like to answer this survey:
-Hjh siti noor
fuhh siap punn...