Saya tidak suka paperworks!!
Any documentation that required a really good and nice Malay sentences to be create.Bagi saya satu masalah yang sangat besar timbul bile terlibat dgn kerja-kerja tersebut.Susah betul nk perah otak untuk create perkataan dan ayat yang sesuai. Selama ni pun kalo buat surat, pastinya surat saya akan di-amend oleh EO kt depan tu.My words are too direct.Sounds more technical instructions while it supposed to be more proper Bahasa Melayu. Yang paling parah ialah..apa bila my malay is not good as English, but then my English is getting poorer when I enter the government sector.haii..cemana itew??
This month and next month will be my nightmare. Where we supposed to brand new our departments goal, sasaran kerja tahunan (skt),manual proses kerja(mpk) and fail meja (fm).We are required a 3 day 2 night retreat at genting highland on 15-17 Feb to make sure everything done.And that of course involved lots n lots of paperworks!!..pengsanlah..
Now I have to look 2 sets of contract document for my projects.Ini lagi satu..satu ayat boleh create a long paragraph, boleh connect to another paragraph pulak tu..aduhh juling tau mata nk baca dan nk check all the terms.Memang sape jd lawyer ni boleh manipulate all the facts..hehe..sorii haa…
Okla..have to go back to my work..tq for reading luahan perasaan kali ini.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Missing Entry
Part 2
To Aquaria on the last day of 2007
We got the staff rate ticket..hehehe

::Dania n mama::

::Emim w ayah::

::Emim sungguh excited::

::Dania pegang Patrick@Star Fish::

Seronok diorg sbb dpt jumpa almost of the character in their favourite movie-The Nemo

::dude crush::


::ini while waiting for the feeding time::


::Feeding Time::
Feeding Time at 12 oclock...ikan2 tu dari 11.30 da kumpul kt theatre tu...dah tau masa untuk makan...

::lunch at The Chilis::

::kids meals::
To Aquaria on the last day of 2007
We got the staff rate ticket..hehehe

::Dania n mama::

::Emim w ayah::

::Emim sungguh excited::

::Dania pegang Patrick@Star Fish::

Seronok diorg sbb dpt jumpa almost of the character in their favourite movie-The Nemo

::dude crush::


::ini while waiting for the feeding time::


::Feeding Time::
Feeding Time at 12 oclock...ikan2 tu dari 11.30 da kumpul kt theatre tu...dah tau masa untuk makan...

::lunch at The Chilis::

::kids meals::
Missing Entry
Part 1
I took a lot pix but didnt managed to upload here or my fp..xde masa
Ini pun almost 1hour..nk susun la..spacing la..grrr

::Dania on d way nk beli tickets::

::Nadzim langsung xmo tgk camera::

::Nadzim berani feeding the elephant::

::animal show::

::Riding in the train::

::On the way balik::

::pengsan...letih berjalan::
I took a lot pix but didnt managed to upload here or my fp..xde masa
Ini pun almost 1hour..nk susun la..spacing la..grrr

::Dania on d way nk beli tickets::

::Nadzim langsung xmo tgk camera::

::Nadzim berani feeding the elephant::

::animal show::

::Riding in the train::

::On the way balik::

::pengsan...letih berjalan::
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy New Year Everyone..1 Muharam 1429H
I am purposely wait till today to update my entry and to greet everyone a great year ahead.
I remember a phrase from one of the ceramah i heard...
"dalam kita bersuka-suka menyambut tahun baru..jgn kita lupa bahawa pertambahan umur ini bermakna semakin kurang masa yang telah Allah swt had kan untuk kita...."mari sama-sama kita renungkan...:)
Like everyone else...there are some dreams...hopes...and resolutions I want this year..from my duty of being the eldest the duty of being a wife..a my children..and not forgotten the responsiblity to Allah yg Esa..
Also to carry the dreams and hopes from the past few years.We still did not manage to buy the 2nd property that we are dream of.I always dream that I could live in a house that designed by myself.Therefore we still searching for a piece of land to realise the dream.urghhh it is hard to find.I wonder how the foreigner could simply buy a land (from a stupid malay) and suka-suka make their setinggan at my beloved kampung.
This year i hope that we could add a family member.hehehe...hopefully ada rezeki utk kami tahun ni...insyaAllah...
At work...theres not much to say.Being a government servant...I already know how's the salary for the next 25 year..:D
With the workload and the additional staf I had, hopefully this year I could perform and manage my projects better.
My big hope this year is I could become a permanant staf.Am tired of being a contract-or.
To my children..I hope they grow healthyly this year.I want to teach them ABC this year.They already memorize but still tak kenal and still didnt know how to write.
Being a wife and the eldest sibling.I want to make my parents and my sibling and also my dear husband happy.I want to cook more this year.I want to learn how to make home made pizza this year.And go to the baking class at my favourite bakery house in Tmn Melawati.
And to the Geatest Yang Esa.I want to spend more time 'with Him'.Fullfill the resposiblity right on time.Solat on time...ganti puasa on more of the sunat thing.
And to you all my dear friend...I hope that all of u will be in the blessed of Allah.Live your life happily..healthyly...and moga dimurahkan rezeki dan terpelihara dari godaan syaitan...aminnnn
I remember a phrase from one of the ceramah i heard...
"dalam kita bersuka-suka menyambut tahun baru..jgn kita lupa bahawa pertambahan umur ini bermakna semakin kurang masa yang telah Allah swt had kan untuk kita...."mari sama-sama kita renungkan...:)
Like everyone else...there are some dreams...hopes...and resolutions I want this year..from my duty of being the eldest the duty of being a wife..a my children..and not forgotten the responsiblity to Allah yg Esa..
Also to carry the dreams and hopes from the past few years.We still did not manage to buy the 2nd property that we are dream of.I always dream that I could live in a house that designed by myself.Therefore we still searching for a piece of land to realise the dream.urghhh it is hard to find.I wonder how the foreigner could simply buy a land (from a stupid malay) and suka-suka make their setinggan at my beloved kampung.
This year i hope that we could add a family member.hehehe...hopefully ada rezeki utk kami tahun ni...insyaAllah...
At work...theres not much to say.Being a government servant...I already know how's the salary for the next 25 year..:D
With the workload and the additional staf I had, hopefully this year I could perform and manage my projects better.
My big hope this year is I could become a permanant staf.Am tired of being a contract-or.
To my children..I hope they grow healthyly this year.I want to teach them ABC this year.They already memorize but still tak kenal and still didnt know how to write.
Being a wife and the eldest sibling.I want to make my parents and my sibling and also my dear husband happy.I want to cook more this year.I want to learn how to make home made pizza this year.And go to the baking class at my favourite bakery house in Tmn Melawati.
And to the Geatest Yang Esa.I want to spend more time 'with Him'.Fullfill the resposiblity right on time.Solat on time...ganti puasa on more of the sunat thing.
And to you all my dear friend...I hope that all of u will be in the blessed of Allah.Live your life happily..healthyly...and moga dimurahkan rezeki dan terpelihara dari godaan syaitan...aminnnn
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